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Client Portal Beta
Written by Monica Teshale
Updated over a week ago

What is a beta?

This beta is an opportunity for you to play around with a new experience before the general release. In this case, you will be able to access the new version of Client Portal before it goes live.

What’s included in the beta?

Here's what you can expect when you access the beta:

  • Fresh Design and Look & Feel: Our Client Portal has received a complete makeover to enhance its visual appeal and usability. You'll notice a sleek, modern, and user-friendly interface that makes navigation a breeze.

  • Redesigned Navigation: We've revamped the navigation structure, including changes in naming conventions, to help clients find what they need more intuitively.

    • Overview will now be Dashboard

    • Daily Performance will now be Analytics

    • Wallet will now be Accounting

    • Assets/Catalog (under Wallet) will now be Asset Earnings

  • Detailed Earnings Breakdown: On the statements page, you will now find a breakdown of earnings by track and by release.

Note: These changes only apply to the webapp, and NOT to our mobile applications. The Client Portal iOS and Android mobile application will remain unchanged.

How can I access the beta?

Just log in to your account as usual! You will see a banner at the bottom of the page which contains a weblink. This link will take you to the Client Portal beta.

How long will the beta run?

The beta will run for approximately 8 days.

How can I provide feedback?

Click on the chat bubble on the bottom right of your screen and send us a message! Our Product team will be monitoring the channel closely for any feedback or issues.

Our team is here to assist you throughout this transition, and we appreciate your partnership in making the Client Portal the best it can be.

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